I am pleased to announce that the long-awaited Eamon Deluxe 5.0 Beta installer is nearly ready for public release. Over the next few days I will be sending it to those who signed up to help play test Eamon Deluxe earlier this year. Depending upon what they report, a version should be available for public download in about a week or so. If you signed up for play testing and don't receive an email with a download link over the next couple of days, please send me a message: eamondeluxe (at) gmail.com
I am also happy to announce that a new Eamon Deluxe adventure, "Stronghold of Kahr-Dur", is in the final stages of testing right now. A stand alone version of it will be released within the next few days, along with a full review. Below are a few screenshots from it for your viewing pleasure. They were taken from multiple operating systems that are all running test copies of the new Eamon Deluxe 5.0 Beta.

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